Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Example 8: Use the concept of the above two examples and write a VBA code that enlists all the files inside a current location and its subfolder.
For this example you can use the following code:
  1. Sub Retrieve_File_listing()  
  2. Worksheets(1).Cells(2, 1).Activate  
  3. Call Enlist_Directories("C:\Users\Ankit\Desktop\ExcelTrick\ ", 1)  
  4. End Sub  
  5. Public Sub Enlist_Directories(strPath As String, lngSheet As Long)  
  6. Dim strFldrList() As String  
  7. Dim lngArrayMax, x As Long  
  8. lngArrayMax = 0  
  9. strFn = Dir(strPath & "*.*", 23)  
  10. While strFn <> ""  
  11.   If strFn <> "." And strFn <> ".." Then  
  12.     If (GetAttr(strPath & strFn) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then  
  13.       lngArrayMax = lngArrayMax + 1  
  14.       ReDim Preserve strFldrList(lngArrayMax)  
  15.       strFldrList(lngArrayMax) = strPath & strFn & "\"  
  16.     Else  
  17.     ActiveCell.Value = strPath & strFn  
  18.     Worksheets(lngSheet).Cells(ActiveCell.Row + 1, 1).Activate  
  19.     End If  
  20.   End If  
  21.   strFn = Dir()  
  22. Wend  
  23. If lngArrayMax <> 0 Then  
  24.   For x = 1 To lngArrayMax  
  25.     Call Enlist_Directories(strFldrList(x), lngSheet)  
  26.   Next  
  27. End If  
  28. End Sub  
Explanation: This code first iterates through all the folders present inside a location and stores them in an array. Later it recursively calls the ‘Enlist_Directories’ function to retrieve the file names.
So, this was all about VBA DIR Function in Excel.

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